If you are dealing with allegations of domestic abuse, you are also facing Florida laws that give your accuser the benefit of the doubt. This often makes it easy for someone who is going through a divorce or custody clash to use domestic violence allegations as a...
You Can Trust That I Will Do What’s Right By You
Year: 2021
Will a criminal conviction get me deported?
If you hold an immigrant visa for permanent legal residency, also known as a green card, you probably remember how hard you worked to obtain it. You likely filled out reams of forms, underwent interviews and background screenings, and waited for what may have been...
What lies ahead after an arrest for drug crimes?
There is no question that Florida has a serious drug problem. Drug crimes, overdoses and deaths seem to be on the rise, and authorities continue to enact ever tougher laws and harsher penalties for those involved in drug offenses. You are probably aware that the...
What can I expect from money laundering charges?
When criminal entities make money using illegal means, they often try to find ways to make that money seem like legitimate earnings. This often involves the complicated process of money laundering. Money laundering typically involves numerous people working within an...
Conspiracy charges may complicate your defense
If you are facing criminal charges for drug crimes, theft, assault, murder or other serious offenses, it may come as another difficult blow if you learn that authorities are also charging you with conspiracy to commit some underlying offense. Conspiracy is a separate...
Accusations of domestic violence may not end well
If you are going through a breakup, divorce or a rocky phase in a relationship, you may have moments you are not proud of. When tensions rise and disagreements escalate, there may be times when things get volatile and perhaps even physical. If police arrive, the...
Florida still fighting for prison reform
If you or a loved one have any experience from inside the Florida prison system, you already know how volatile the situation is. Correctional facilities are overcrowded and understaffed, creating situations that are often dangerous and, as many believe, unjust and, in...
Has federal sentencing met its goal of less disparity?
If you face charges for a federal crime, whether a drug violation, white collar offense or violent crime, you may know that a conviction means facing mandatory sentencing over which the judge has little control. You may not realize that the courts use a formula for...
Health scare alerts authorities to fraud schemes
Undoubtedly, this is a time of health fears and the uncertainty of public safety. As a result, law enforcement and the federal government are hypervigilant to protect citizens from scammers who might take advantage of the panic and confusion caused by misinformation....
Can music lyrics be submitted as evidence in a criminal case?
Over the years, the boundaries of what can be considered evidence in a judicial proceeding has been constantly tested within Florida courts. Attorneys often present things such as social media posts and even passive-aggressive behavior to the court as evidence of...