It's natural to want to help a loved one feel better. You might think offering your leftover pain meds or anxiety pills could provide quick relief to a friend or family member in need. However, sharing prescription drugs puts both you and the recipient at risk of...
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Drug Violations
People cannot legally share prescriptions
Sharing medications may sound entirely innocent. One person has medication that may help a friend or a family member. They have this other person‘s best interests in mind, so they agree to share that medication when it appears that it would be helpful. Many people...
2 reasons you can’t bring marijuana to Florida
Florida is a very popular tourist destination, especially during the winter. Many people will spend their winters in Florida before flying back north for the summers. When it comes to marijuana, the laws between states are much different. Those in states like Michigan...
Overcoming the mental and physical effects of drugs
For some, an unavoidable part of life is dealing with addictions. Some people in Florida find themselves addicted to certain foods or beverages. Others deal with more serious addictions like those involving alcohol, cocaine, and other more harmful substances....
Possessing prescription drugs without a valid prescription
Florida residents can be arrested and charged with drug crimes when they are found in possession of illegal controlled substances. Some people might not realize that they can also face drug charges when they are caught in possession of prescription medications without...
Cocaine and consequences in Florida
If you partake in the use of cocaine in Florida, you should be aware that the drug is a controlled substance. This means there could be severe consequences if you're charged with possession or distribution. Classification The penalties for drug charges depend on how a...
Using drugs illegally
Millions of Florida residents use drugs of some kind. In some cases, they're taking legally prescribed pharmaceuticals, while in others they're using illegally obtained drugs. Some are daily users, others far more occasional. While on the surface the concepts of drug...
What are the consequences of opioid addiction?
Drug addiction is a serious disease that affects many Florida residents. Sadly, anyone can become dependent and develop a substance use disorder, even those using prescription drugs for legitimate medical conditions. Opioids are an example of such drugs; these are the...
What lies ahead after an arrest for drug crimes?
There is no question that Florida has a serious drug problem. Drug crimes, overdoses and deaths seem to be on the rise, and authorities continue to enact ever tougher laws and harsher penalties for those involved in drug offenses. You are probably aware that the...