The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution protects people from unreasonable searches and property seizures. Police officers cannot search property or people without a valid justification. Few searches feel more invasive than a frisk, pat-down or bodily search. Police...
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Criminal Defense
What to expect during your first consultation with an attorney
If you're facing legal challenges, you're not alone. Many people find themselves in unexpected situations with the law, regardless of guilt or innocence. Taking the step to seek help from a legal professional can be beneficial. Many criminal defense lawyers offer...
What to look for in a search warrant
In most situations, police officers need a search warrant to enter your property. The only exceptions to this are if you let them in or if there are exigent circumstances (such as someone’s life being at risk). If you have never seen a warrant before, then it is...
When can the police search your home?
Your home is a safe space and you have a right to privacy. In general, this is a right that the authorities can’t unjustly interfere with. Nonetheless, there are some situations where the police may be able to search your home residence. Why might the police want to...
Benefits of accepting a plea deal
If you are arrested, it can be confusing and stressful. At some point, you may be offered a plea deal. However, before accepting this agreement, it is important to understand more about it. Here, you will find the main benefits of accepting a plea deal. Reduced...
It could get harder than ever to get bail in Florida
The bill known as SPB 7068 or the “Pretrial Detention Hearings” continues to wind its way through the Florida Senate – and it could eventually make it harder than ever for criminal defendants to obtain bail. Essentially, SPB 7068 would permit judges to order any...
What questions must you answer during a traffic stop?
It’s common for police officers to ask questions during a traffic stop. They may just do this to start the conversation. For instance, if the officer has pulled your vehicle over, they could come to the window and ask you if you know how fast you were driving or where...
How serious is a BUI conviction in Florida?
A lot of people who would never consider drinking alcohol while they’re driving (which is illegal) will do it while operating a boat. The latter isn’t specifically forbidden by law for those over the drinking age unless they’re above the legal limit, which is a .08...
What should you do if you’re read your Miranda rights?
Anyone who’s ever watched a true crime show or seen a movie that involves an interrogation or arrest has likely heard individuals being read their rights. These are known as Miranda rights and include information about very specific protections that the United States...
Reasonable suspicion vs. probable cause
While police officers have certain powers that aid them in the investigation of crime, these powers are not unlimited. Before making a traffic stop, for example, police officers need reasonable suspicion. Before making an arrest and charging an individual, police...