Clicking on an email link and providing personal identification reflects a typical phishing scheme used in identity theft scams. Florida residents could become victims of identity theft plans if they are unaware of common approaches. They may also find value in...
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Criminal Defense
How someone can challenge a field sobriety test in Florida
No Florida driver wants to see flashing red and blue lights behind their car. Unfortunately, that's often the case for people who drive while impaired. If a police officer suspects you're driving while intoxicated, they might ask you to perform a field sobriety test....
Eyewitness testimony troubles
An eyewitness could implicate a defendant for a felony crime in a Florida courtroom. However, the eyewitness's testimony could be highly inaccurate. Various problems might surround eyewitness testimony, which could be to the defendant's detriment. However, pointing...
How does a person get charged with assault and battery?
In Florida, assault and battery are two separate crimes, but a person could be charged with both. Certain facts must be present in order for a conviction to occur. If you’re facing these charges, it’s crucial to know what they entail and how to defend yourself....
Will a criminal conviction get me deported?
If you hold an immigrant visa for permanent legal residency, also known as a green card, you probably remember how hard you worked to obtain it. You likely filled out reams of forms, underwent interviews and background screenings, and waited for what may have been...
Conspiracy charges may complicate your defense
If you are facing criminal charges for drug crimes, theft, assault, murder or other serious offenses, it may come as another difficult blow if you learn that authorities are also charging you with conspiracy to commit some underlying offense. Conspiracy is a separate...
Florida still fighting for prison reform
If you or a loved one have any experience from inside the Florida prison system, you already know how volatile the situation is. Correctional facilities are overcrowded and understaffed, creating situations that are often dangerous and, as many believe, unjust and, in...
Has federal sentencing met its goal of less disparity?
If you face charges for a federal crime, whether a drug violation, white collar offense or violent crime, you may know that a conviction means facing mandatory sentencing over which the judge has little control. You may not realize that the courts use a formula for...
Can music lyrics be submitted as evidence in a criminal case?
Over the years, the boundaries of what can be considered evidence in a judicial proceeding has been constantly tested within Florida courts. Attorneys often present things such as social media posts and even passive-aggressive behavior to the court as evidence of...
What is a federal conspiracy charge?
Did you know that a person can face federal conspiracy charges without ever actually following through with a planned crime? Conspiracy charges can be incredibly frustrating, as co-conspirators often face the same penalties. For example, a person who merely makes a...