Burglary is a serious criminal charge that a Florida resident can face. Although it’s often confused with robbery and theft, it’s actually a property crime that carries serious consequences. However, to be charged with burglary, certain elements must be in place....
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Year: 2023
Preventing unconscious bias in police lineups
Many Florida residents have seen films or television shows that include scenes where police officers ask an eyewitness to pick a suspect out of a lineup. While this does happen in real life, it is rare. In most law enforcement investigations, eyewitnesses are shown an...
Forms of identity theft
Clicking on an email link and providing personal identification reflects a typical phishing scheme used in identity theft scams. Florida residents could become victims of identity theft plans if they are unaware of common approaches. They may also find value in...
How someone can challenge a field sobriety test in Florida
No Florida driver wants to see flashing red and blue lights behind their car. Unfortunately, that's often the case for people who drive while impaired. If a police officer suspects you're driving while intoxicated, they might ask you to perform a field sobriety test....
Eyewitness testimony troubles
An eyewitness could implicate a defendant for a felony crime in a Florida courtroom. However, the eyewitness's testimony could be highly inaccurate. Various problems might surround eyewitness testimony, which could be to the defendant's detriment. However, pointing...