Shoppers in Florida and throughout the country have likely seen merchandise held behind locked doors or behind customer service desks. This is in response to an uptick in retail theft in recent years. In some cases, thieves have literally walked out with carts full of...
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Criminal Defense
Eyewitness testimony and credibility
Compelling evidence makes it easier to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Many Florida criminal trials center on testimony from eyewitnesses. Sometimes, the testimony could be strong enough to secure a conviction. That does not mean that eyewitness testimony is...
The questionable legality of geofence warrants
A geofence warrant is a request from law enforcement to search a database for all devices used in the vicinity where a crime was committed. This differs from a keyword warrant in that it narrows down the suspect list by geography rather than search history. Through...
Poll shows public support for crime prevention measures
When voters in Florida and around the country are asked about the issues they care about the most, crime is usually one of the first things they mention. The United States has one of the world’s highest crime rates even though it imprisons far more of its citizens...
The long-lasting consequences of a Florida criminal conviction
The consequences of a Florida criminal conviction can follow you for the rest of your life. You might experience significant and long-lasting effects long after you’ve served your time. However, your experience may vary based on the severity of the crime and its...
Some forensic evidence may be based on junk science
If you're accused of a crime in Florida, the prosecuting party may claim to have forensic evidence tying you to the crime. While forensics has been used in the criminal justice system for many years, some of this evidence may not be legitimate as it's based on junk...
Advocacy groups form coalition to end the trial penalty
People accused of committing crimes in Florida and around the country have the right to a speedy and public trial before an impartial jury, but very few of them actually avail themselves of this right. A report released by the U.S. Sentencing Commission in 2022...
Common Types of Fraud in the U.S.
Fraud is generally defined as the intentional deception of an entity or a person by another for money or personal gain. The specific laws and charges for fraud vary by state and federal jurisdiction. Year after year, Florida leads the country in fraud and identity...
The elements of a burglary charge
Burglary is a serious criminal charge that a Florida resident can face. Although it’s often confused with robbery and theft, it’s actually a property crime that carries serious consequences. However, to be charged with burglary, certain elements must be in place....
Preventing unconscious bias in police lineups
Many Florida residents have seen films or television shows that include scenes where police officers ask an eyewitness to pick a suspect out of a lineup. While this does happen in real life, it is rare. In most law enforcement investigations, eyewitnesses are shown an...